Apr 05, 2006 17:15
you ever have those moments where you are like...
I could just do it - right now - just make some crazy rash decision and have it be the best one of my entire life.
Like when you think being a missionary would suit me well,
or this place seems to be getting tired, but that other place seems so new,
or I really like that idea - what's stopping me?
And you begin to see the triviality in school and work and that paper and that test and these days. It's like you could at any moment jump up in the air and pick where you wanted to land - it could be in any place at any moment in any situation. And no matter what it was - you know you would survive.
That's kinda how I see life once in a while. Where I wonder - why dont I? Why dont I stir things up? Why dont I shake the world? Why dont I listen to those Nike guys and just do it? I mean, other people have done it already - they've jumped and landed and they've survived..heck it actually made their situations better. So what's stopping me?
I've gotten so close to this point - but I guess I just think it's impossible - too much school, too much work, gotta graduate, gotta get a good job, gotta get money to get a house to have kids......to heck with that though. Who ever said God couldn't do all those things!!! I mean, who ever said God couldn't get me a job if I didn't graduate in 2007, or God douldn't get me a house if I didn't have a job right now to save moeny, or God couldnt give me a family if I didn't study hard and work all the time to support them.
So here's my question - if we all claim to trust God so much with our lives, and we all feel the nudge, they why dont we jump???? Why dont you just let go and let god????? Are you scared? Are you lazy? Or do you really even trust that God will take care of you?
Or maybe you're scared that you're wrong - and God doesn't want you to go anywhere or jump at all?? But when do we ever actually listen to God anyway?? The way I see it - doing anything to glorify God will do it - if we truely mean it. So once again - what's stopping you from jumping up to Him?
Im not trying to guilt yu all into something, Im right there with you. And I might get my words mocked or my ideas judged, but as least I took a small leap by writing this all down.
If we can't find perfection in our imperfections than why is life worth living????
How high can you jump?