(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 22:25

It's been a while since I've updated, so I guess here it goes:

horseback riding is lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator

Haha. Ironic, I know...I should probably update on that since I don't see most of you every day. I'm feeling much much better and I can't wait to ride again...I can't wait to do anything active again period....I feel like a fatty bumming around while everyone else is playing tennis or going running or anything....granted, I HATE to run, but I will and I'd at least like to have the option.
I go back to the doctor's next week to see what's what and hopefully this brace comes off....to be quite honest, I think this is more painful than my back! I have to sleep in it and since I'm a stomach sleeper and very rarely side sleeper, I wake up in the morning and my ribs hurt from laying on the bar of the brace all night....plus the velvro is starting to wear thin, so if I don't push it down enough, the whole brace springs open....can you tell I'm getting a little annoyed? But other than that, I feel good, sore at times, but come on people, you would too and the doctor said I probably will be for quite a while....so it's ok.

I don't even know where to start- so much is happening and nothing at the same time....trust me, that's possible.

Start with the wedding?

The whole weekend in general was perfect. Tony was in the wedding party, so friday late afternoon, we headed down to the rehersal dinner, and then Jordan and Rachael showed us and one of the other groomsmen and his girlfriend their new place-- it was really cute...really small, but perfect for just the two of them. We didn't stay long because the wedding was early the next morning, so Tony and I headed back to his house, hung out with his parents a bit and watched maybe an hour of TV before going to bed...The next morning, I headed to the wedding with Tony's parents...The wedding was beautiful- Rachael looked gorgeous and Jordan looked so handsome and the weather was perfect...I don't think this wedding could have been any more perfect. Seriously, it was like something out of "A Wedding Story" (yes, that's a TLC show.)The reception was a lot of fun too. There wasn't any dancing, so it was much shorter than I'm accustomed to, but it was really nice just talking to everyone and listening to different stories of Jordan and Rachael and the whole gang was there so how could you not have fun?!
The rest of the day and Sunday (after church), Tony took me on a driving tour of his area....two words: So Gorgeous! He showed me everything there was to possibly show me; His Cornwall (really cute mining town where his Dad grew up), Hershey, Harrisburg (Capitol Building)...it was awesome...Saturday night we just kind of hung around the house, hung out with his parents (sweet sweet people...His Mom and I talked a lot this weekend about a bunch of different stuff and it was funny because we both got really mad at this one weight loss commercial- mind you, neither of us are large women either- and got going on that for a while).
Sunday evening we left, Tony went to work at the church and I just kind of hung around, got dinner, and when he got back played Scene It....

Monday I worked and then Tuesday I judged the Science Fair and came home....Yes, I'm a geek- I was done judging around 1/4 to two, but there were so many amazing projects and impressive kids, I didn't leave until close to 3 because I wanted to talk to them more...let me tell you, some of these kids seriously make you feel like an idiot- but it was still fun grilling them and having them explain their projects to me. It's really easy to tell which students did their own projects and which ones had their projects fed to them by teachers, parents, and/or mentors.

I have to say, this is the first time I actually didn't want to come home...It sounds worst than it is, really. While I was packing up last minute stuff, I just kind of sat, looked around and looked down at my calender and to-do lists....yes, lists. Yes, this is my Spring Break, but I could have worked all week and really raked in some much needed money....I'm kind of tired of having just enough to cover my bills and then be broke again- not that we all go out very often or that I haven't curbed my shopping addiction, it's just that I FEEL better knowing my checkbook isn't hurting. Then there's the homework issue- I do have a lot of homework and SGB-related work to do and it's very hard to get motivated while home. Plus, I'm coming home in another 6 days from returning back to DelVal (mind you, gas is at 2.50 a gallon) Economically speaking, and on top of all of that, really enjoying haning out with Tony, giving up my Spring Break would have been a smart choice. But I didn't for three reasons: 1. The car was already packed. 2. I told my parents I was leaving in a matter of an hour. and 3. I need to start applying for summer jobs because I will most definitely go out of my mind with nothing to do for an entire summer.

Speaking of Summer Jobs (like my segway?) That's a main To Do on the adgenda tomorrow.
-I have to go to the tailor to see if they can do anything about my dress (and possibly get some pants hemmed while there too). The dress is perfect as-is, don't get me wrong- I just feel it's a little too lowcut in the front for my taste- I LOVE the open back, so that's staying, but I want to see if my little Italian friend in Cornwall can do anything to make the front a little more....descreet.
-Oil change at Walmart/ looking through their fabric section (I have an addiction- and need to start pricing sewing machines-- BIG summer project!!!)
-And applying at Barnes and Nobel and Old Navy in Newburg....I have found out today how much I LOVE Old Navy during the summer and figured they'll pay as much as other places and thier clothes are cheap enough where buying a little something here and there will not be detramental to my wallet...so that's a #1 hit on the Application list.

I have to remember to call Mrs. Cuffe tomorrow to see if she would mind me popping in on Friday to observe- I know she won't, but I want to give her a heads up! lol Gosh, I miss her!!
Friday night (St. Patrick's Day) I'm Lady sitting- hopefully it's a long one, and I'm hoping to try to set up a summer schedule that's relatively concrete just in case other places fall out....ooo- I should call Cat and see if she wants to do Fridays again this summer...that'd be fantastic-- it wouldn't be much, but, it'd be something and enjoyable. Those and Kim (gotta call her too- she's got 4 little ones) I feel will be my Summer regulars...I should can this whole degree thing and have Janet place me as a live-in nanny somewhere (crap, gotta call her too- maybe I should make a written list).

Carissa and I were going to go to the Bodies Exhibit tomorrow, but I had less in my checkbook than I thought I did, so it's not going to be feesible this week- next week possibly since I'll be getting paid before I come home....so we'll see.

Yeah, so that's pretty much it- got an A in the first section of Intro to the Arts....It's not that I was worried about the class, I just didn't think I got the A (I was thinking A-, B+ish) so I was really happy to see that magical first letter of the alphabet....and all of my other classes are going really well too...I just have to really get cracking on observing :-/

ok, so that's it for real this time...I'm tired, it's late and I want to get up relatively early tomorrow.

Much love,
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