Gacked from
Sheafrotherdon on LJ because I'm avoiding editing my current insanity (An H50/Glee xover, for the curious. Yes, I went there. I blame
Cccarioca, also on LJ.) because every time I do I start thinking "I'll edit just a bit!" and then I look up and the freaking sun is rising, and I feel like I got run over by a tank all the next day. I worked on this last night and tonight, btw. It kept me from boredom, so win!
Meme Instructions:
"To play - you set iTunes to shuffle, and answer each question with the title of the next song that comes up."
I don't can haz iTunes, so WinAmp is my musical mayhem method of choice, all audio files in it (9057) in one playlist on shuffle, manual advance. Plus, I was bored (I mentioned this, yes?) so there was drabbleage on the songs it gave to me while the song repeated the whole time I wrote. Mostly. As long as I could find a drabble in me for that song or question.
Total drabbles: 18 Hawaii Five-0 (Danny/Steve mostly, a couple Steve/Danny, and one Danny/Steve with bonus Catherine/Mary) and one lonely SPN drabble.
Ratings: All are R or less. No sex, some kissing and/or touching, some swearing.
Note: Drabbleage, to me, is a short fic that is a total one-shot meant to capture one scene which will not be continued or expanded on. These ficlets range from a true drabble-length fic of 167 words to a ficlet of 1567 words. YMMV and all that, you have been warned, the total of these nineteen stories is not 1900 words in total, but closer to 10000 words, give or take a few hundred.
Fake Cut to where I posted it on AO3 because LJ/IJ and Word are pains in my great big butt! )