May 18, 2005 21:36
"what the fuck are you kids doing over there, were are you from what the FUCK are you guys doing? were are you from you cant be here. Get the fuck out. I got your license plate number. You better come back now with your friends house number you pricks, you leave i have your license plates" Holy shit. what a come down, what a high kill. All the sudden bliss and happyness comes to a fast stop. OMG we are fucked. were fucked. were fucked. were fucking fucked. No one is taking this seriouse.. we ARE all fucked in the ass. you dont realize whats happening. we are going to get rolled. Cops are not searching for the one thing that we have to get away. Wedrive fast, so fast the wheels spin in still motion. The pubic beach down the street thats were we will go. no one will bother us there. crashing waves. pink sky. my friends all have red eyes. i think right now im going to drive home and get some sleep. wake up wake up wake up.