Holy long johns, Batman!

Jan 06, 2010 19:21

Oh man, buying underwear is fraught with potential embarrassment. Especially when you are buying a pair of briefs sporting the Batman logo on them. Suddenly, you wonder whether it would be less embarrassing to be rung up by a man or a woman. It doesn't help that when I'm buying something unbelievably nerdy, the registers are usually being run by attractive young women. Fortunately, there was one male running a register, because I decided that would be less mortifying. I was actually trying to stifle myself from breaking out into guffaws most of the time I was walking to the check stands. Once I got out of the store, I did let loose with a few chuckles.

Really, this is Ken's fault. See, a while ago, he showed me the video for Pomplamoose's cover of "Single Ladies." And it's been stuck in my head lately, so I was watching the video again. And hey, cute woman wearing Batman t-shirt? I'm easily influenced by that sort of thing. So I was at Target, and the last few times I've been there, I've noticed the Spider-Man version of these. This time, I happened to notice some black peeking out from behind those, and I thought "Could it be...?" and looked. And lo, it was. Batman briefs. Fuck yes. I am so wearing these on my next date. As soon as I get one. For the new year, I did resolve to ask out a certain someone. We'll see how that goes!


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