Nov 23, 2009 16:49
Last year for Christmas, in addition to stuff I asked for, I also received a polo shirt and a sweatshirt from my family. I haven't worn either of them once, and I feel kind of bad about it. I don't remember the last time I even wore a polo shirt, and as far as sweatshirts go, I stick to hoodies. Maybe I'll wear the polo for TXG dinner.
My paid account is about to expire, and I think I'm going to let it.
One thing about having the Target in town is that I get more exercise by frequently visiting. It's about a 10-15 minute bike ride to get there. If I were super obsessive, I'd be going every day. I did go yesterday and today, and there were some figures missing from yesterday, as well as some that weren't there then. Vigilance and persistence are the watchwords for the toy collector.
I wish Davis had more Mexican restaurants. There are a few taquerias, but only one sit down Mexican restaurant.