Nov 19, 2011 20:33
This morning, I took Steve (my estimable automobile) in for an oil change.
I didn't leave for THREE HOURS.
The worst part was that I should have been able to leave after TWO hours, but things went AWRY in spectacularly silly fashion. My key and paperwork were dropped off at the front desk... and then DROPPED OFF THE TABLE. The paperwork was stuck on a BACK table and the key rescued separately and NO ONE REALIZED IT and so I sat there for an extra hour, wondering what on earth was taking so long. I finally screwed my courage to the sticking point, ignored my non-confrontational nature, and asked the front desk what the hold-up was. It took another five minutes or so before they figured it all out, but the end result was that I FINALLY made it out of there. Had I NOT asked them directly, I would probably still be sitting in that damn waiting room, watching Fox News and wanting to DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
I DID make it home in the end and bummed around gratefully for a few hours before coming in to the theatre. I had hoped to see the show tonight while working the subscription table, but the show was sold out and brimming with donors, so I decided to cut my losses and reread Diana Peterfreund's killer unicorn books in the empty box office instead. Of course, while doing so, I have to listen to a decidedly Not Good community theatre production of Oliver that rented our second stage for the night, but AH WELL. It's that sort of day.
The real bummer of today is that I forgot to go to the bank this afternoon. My debit card information was stolen AGAIN on Monday and while the bad charges have been refunded, I don't yet have my replacement card yet. I've been relying on my credit card, but unfortunately, it has a teeny limit and I've managed to max it out. *headdesk* Had I rememebered to go to the bank, I could have withdrawn cash the old fashioned way and been FINE, but NO. I have forgotten to do the sensible thing and so I am SOL until Monday. It is just... frustrating. There is money just SITTING in my bank account and it is MINE, I EARNED it!!... but I can't get to it.
Tomorrow, I DO get to see the SPACE Tour with Team Starkid and I am VERY EXCITED. That will be a Good Thing and I am excited for it. :) I also have heard some good things about the new Muppet movie and this ALSO excites me. MUPPETS!!!! I love them so. And Thanksgiving is right around the corner and there will be family and cheesecake and turkey and dressing and turkey GUMBO and fresh baked bread and can it be Thanksgiving NOW PLEASE?
the muppets own my soul,
gainful employment,
money woes