sexy norse god problems

Oct 19, 2011 16:13

I am maybe a little obsessed with whoever is running the @godofbadassery twitter account, to the extent that I check in at the profile to make sure I haven't missed anything on the level of "WWLD do? what would Loki do? Let me answer that question with a question: What wouldn't Loki do? And another: Who wouldn't Loki do?" or "Foursquare won't let me 'check in' to 'Your mom's pants.' My first attempt at honesty and I am being shunned by the universe." It's not that the jokes are earth-shatteringly innovative, but I can't help beign amused EVERY DAMN TIME.

I had a crazy long day working with my boss on Monday, with the result that it's been really hard to motivate myself to do ANYTHING since then. I keep hoping to go to the gym and then... not. Admittedly, Monday was the night of COLLAPSE and Tuesday night was choir night, but this morning I had NO EXCUSE!... except that it was rainy and dark and I was laaaazy. I am also being less productive in my working hours, so hopefully tomorrow I can at least improve on that somewhat.

Thanks to working on the weekends in the box office, I seem to never get a real day off any more. Tomorrow is another long day, of course, but with some fun at the end. I will be putting in an hour of At-Home-Job from 8-9, driving to the box office and working a 10-2 shift, driving home and working At-Home-Job from 3-5. EXHAUSTING MUCH? But then I get an Emma, who will come over to watch the original Sherlock pilot with me before going to the theeeeeaaaaatuh down in the city to see Steven Berkoff's Greek. Oedipus + East End London? INTRIGUING.

Friday I have another day with my boss, which will hopefully be semi-fun, as we're meeting at the library to scout for new children's books to use in our creative drama workshops. After work, I shall be hightailing it down to the 9:30 Club to see The Wombats, which shall be TRES EXCITING (even if I am not as wildly in love with their second album as with their first).

Working long hours at the box office is a strange mixed bag. On the one hand, the work is easy and I have plenty of time to faff around on the interwebs or read. On the other hand, it's a LOT of hours where I have to sit at my window and not go anywhere or do anything too exciting. Not mentally or emotionally tasking, yay, but not a terribly rewarding way to spend my time, either.

I guess this post is to say that I have a lot of long days coming my way. At some point in the near future, I need to find a way to take a real day off for reasons of Personal Sanity and Well Being, but I'm really not sure when that will be... Luckily, there are also good things coming, so things could be worse. :)

hiddles lights up my life, gainful employment, some cheese with that wine?, thor thor thorrity thor

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