Jul 10, 2011 13:09
As previously reported here, I have been working for a month now in the box office of a plucky old regional theatre box office. My training sessions were scattered across a whole month, but for the past two weeks I have been counted as a Regular Employee. Of course, I still panic over just about every order and forget how to do basic services for subscribers, but heeeeeeeey, I'm still new? I keep worrying over how long that excuse is going to hold up. It's not that anyone is being snippy about it, but fretting over things IS rather my default state.
This weekend I'm working the two 5-hour non-showday weekend shifts. It's a lot of sitting around and alternating between looking for new apartment furniture on craigslist and trying to read Harry Potter (I'm in the early stages of book 5, ohh capslock Harry, you GOOBER). All yesterday, there was also a rehearsal of teenagers working on Godspell in the theatre that's attached to the box office, so I kept trying to talk to patrons while being blasted with some VERY EARNEST renditions of 'God Save the People.' I'm back here today, but there's no sign of the little buggers yet, so maybe my sanity will be spared (there's only so many times you can hear those choruses before they start to drive you a little mad).
I'm mostly really looking forward to a time when I'm not constantly worried over some major life change due to arrive any minute. First there were the months of worry over job seeking, now it's all the added stress of my roommate of three years moving out and taking most of the apartment furniture with her. Of course, now that I HAVE jobs, I worry that I'm not doing them as well as I should be and it's just. Damn. I could use a break, but I don't really see one in the next couple of weeks. With any luck, I'm heading to New Orleans in the first weekend of August (EXCEPT THAT IS STILL NOT CONFIRMED SWEET JESUS MORE STRESS) for the Murder Ballads, which will be fantastic, but it's going to be a long haul to get me there.
In the middle of writing that last sentence, I took a call from an elderly patron who had me looking up directions for how to get to our theatre on google maps (have I mentioned that we have the oldest audiences I've ever seen coming to the theatre?). She didn't actually buy any tickets, OH NO, because there would be a $2 service fee per ticket if she did it over the phone. Add to that that I had my SECOND AND THIRD brain freeze in 40 minutes and didn't know what time we opened on weekdays OR the physical address of the theatre and OH GOD THIS SHIFT IS JUST BEGINNING.
I hate not being on top of things. I don't like the not-knowing how to do basic tasks. I know it'll get better with time and practise but I want it better NOW. I want things sorted NOW. I'm making SOME progress, at least. I'm trying to stay on top of work things with the New Job, poking New Boss about meeting this week to start making some plans. I made a successful IKEA run last night after work, picking up dishes and flatware and glasses and mixing bowls for cheap. Tonight, I'll see Andrea and get her paperwork that we'll turn in to my building manager and hopefully, she'll be approved to be my new roommate by the end of the week.
At least I have my EPIC HARRY POTTER REWATCH in the evenings. When I realised that I wasn't going to make it to book 7 before the movie premiere, I started watching a HP film a night; we're up to 'Goblet of Fire' and it is all VERY EXCITING. Of all the films, I've seen PoA the most (BECAUSE IT HAS THE MOST LUPIN LUPIN I LOVE YOU FOREVER YOU ARE BEST IN ALL THINGS), while there are others I've only ever seen a handful of times or just the once (HBP, I'm looking at you). I realised yesterday during some bored googling that Tonks HAD INDEED been confirmed as a Hufflepuff, which fills me with GREAT PRIDE AND JOY. That means when people ask me what character I'm cosplaying at the cinema on Friday, I can say TONKS, EFF YEAH (clearly, my prematurely greying brown hair is because she is trying to look like LUPIN, DUH).
Working with me today are two of the awkwardest dudes I have ever met. I have just saved one of them from a BIG SCARY BEETLE (WHAT WHAT RITA SKEETER) by taking it outside when it was clear that he was just going to yelp about it and not work; Other Dude just kept reading message boards on his computer. CLEARLY, that is a sign that someone needs to step up and SAVE THE DAY 'ROUND HERE.
gainful employment,
some cheese with that wine?