Jun 26, 2011 10:59
Today is my last entirely free day until August- thanks to the joys of working two part time jobs, I have work seven days a week for the entire month of July. This sucks on a lot of levels, but I'm trying not to dwell on them and am instead focusing on doing some fun things today.
Step the first involves going to the mooooovies. My aunt, when she found out I couldn't make it to Louisiana for our yearly familial festivities, sent me a nice card that was half birthday well wishes and half sympathy for the lost family time. She also included a $20 bill, which I have just used to buy a ticket to see Super 8 in IMAX in a mostly empty theatre. By my account, there are three of us, though I was first and got the Ideal Seat. BOOYAH. I also used a Starbucks giftcard some students gave me and I have a lovely brunch of yogurt and banana chocolate chip cake waiting in my bag, to be brought out under cover of darkness.
This post has been brought to you by the Foundation for Solo Moviegoing.