Oct 29, 2010 19:11
Today, two amazing things happened at the internship of my dreams.
1 We had an EPIC twenty minute conversation about the sexual proclivities of Shakespeare's characters. All of the girls in doublet and hose? TOTALLY into roleplaying. The Percies and the Macbeths are in competition for Married Couple Having the Hottest Sex and Hamlet, bless, is having some performance anxiety (no wonder Ophelia went mad). Othello and Desdemona are CLEARLY incompatible in the bedroom (Desdemona, it turns out, is not so into breathplay). The boys and girls of Love's Labors are TOTALLY having orgies together, and as we remember, there sure are a lot of sheep in As You Like It.
Then, for the last hour of the day, we had our staff Halloween party in the Ed Studio. While there were cookies and cider, the main point was just to play the theatre games that everyone uses in teaching. There were glorious rounds and rounds of silly objective games and we finally pranked the last member of the staff who had yet to play the Story Game.
The Story Game is played by grabbing a new member of the group and explaining the rules. While the Player is waiting outside the room, the rest of the Group will come up with a simple story. The Player is then brought back in and needs to ask yes or no questions until he or she can piece together the story.
There is no story. There is NEVER a story. The poor Player comes in and gets utterly inexplicable answers to her questions, because the REAL rules of the game are simple- questions that end in vowel receive a Yes, consonants receive a No, and questions that end in a Y get a Sometimes.
I have yet to see ANYONE catch on- when I was the victim, I was tearing my hair out in frustration after only a few minutes. If you get a series of Yes's early on, it's VERY EASY to think you're on the right track. In my case, my story was about one of our students named Maria! Who went to Chipotle! For a burrito! That she ate there! And it was sometimes made for her by a cute boy!
It is HILARIOUS to watch someone struggle through, although it's definitely one of those games where you really need to know the person you've picked to be the Player.
THIS IS ALL TO SAY that even when I am tired and teetering on the edge of being burned out ALL THE TIME, I really like my internship, y'all. :)
i guess i'm cmk's bitch by proxy,