I have revisions to do, of course- mostly just of the introduction. THE WORST IS OVER. Even the defense itself was mostly fine- the thing started of charmingly with Prof Big Cheese sharing his bag of pretzels and halving his Diet Pepsi with me when he found out I hadn't had any lunch. This was followed by Professor America coming into the conference room and seeing my TARDIS wallpaper, which led to a debate on the best Doctor (America is a Tennant fan, Cheese and myself prefer Eccleston, Professor Dance Pants was more than a little bemused by the conversation). After we finished, I went out for celebratory margaritas and TexMex with some of my favorite people, so really- no complaints. :) I'm not done, but the end is in sight. THANK YOU so much to everyone who sent in encouragement along the way, but especially in the last few days. :)