boys with their barbies and girls with toy armies- we don't have to play by their rules

Sep 25, 2009 20:41

I am GRUMPY today. It has not been a very good day, but this is mostly because I can't seem to deal with anything very well today, which means it's ALL MY FAULT, which just makes me want to put on my crankypants and batten down the hatches until it's over.

Besides my own personal failures, I appear to be catching a cold and I don't do well with such things, even under the best circumstances. *sulks*

I was going to write out a list of everything that went wrong today, but it didn't seem to be of much use to anyone else- there weren't really that many things that happened, it was mostly a slew of Not Dealing Well, which quickly turned into feeling sorry for myself. SO- not very helpful! And definitely not prime fodder for LJ posts, or at least, not unless I can make it amusing.

Instead, I will focus on the good things that happened today. I think I got some very helpful advice out of my directing class this morning, things that I think will help turn my scene around. I finished watching Charade, which I think has a marvelously fun closing sequence. I also bought this coat in a flurry of retail therapy. Tomorrow, I plan on wearing this t-shirt. I will wear it on the National Mall while tromping around in the rain at the National Book Festival, where I will be stalking Rick Riordan, because I live in an AMAZING city and get to do things like this.

I have many things to do this weekend that are not 100% fun-filled, but these are the things I will focus on.

ETA: WHAT. I just sat down to do some reading for my Theory class and discovered that Horace's The Art of Poetry is apparently in verse. Rhyming couplets, to be exact. I CANNOT TELL IF THIS WILL MAKE MY READING A FUN FROLIC OR TORTURE BEYOND THE IMAGINING.

it's me plan!, anti-kickass-ity, crass materialism

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