Personally, I avoid mixing LJ & RL, but I tend to over-compartmentalize. I'm always in awe of LJ; there are the ultimate BNFs, like you said, and then SBP - we created a fandom of a fandom. It's this unbelievable cultural phenomenon with relatively unlimited potential that affects so many people.
Basically, this whole internets thing is sort of amazing. ♥
Back in the days of yore, I got a code to start my LJ from a RL friend, so that line has always been blurry for me. It does have a certain level of impact on how I write- for instance, I've never really posted publicly here about podfics, and eventually moved all of that to a separate comm. That's something I don't particularly WANT non-fannish-types to be a part of.
At the same time, I do wonder at who actually wants to read the strange mishmash of topics I post on- I talk about RL, about academia and Shakespeare, and squee about the ABSURD BEAUTY of Jared Padalecki. It's crazy to me that, yeah, we HAVE built a place for that sort of thing and it actually DOES bring people together over it.
Yeah, I first got on LJ when I was... twelve? Ack. For this super sekrit fandom thing which I don't really share. My friends know I watch Supernatural because I admitted the CW had a good show, but they are simply not cool enough to recognize the delicious crack that is Show & Jared & Jensen.
I do know that I would possibly literally crawl into a hole if RL people found my fic (which oh god I haven't posted at all. FAIL) because, y'know, there's the gay incest factor. I love journals like yours which mix it all together - you get the fandom squee alongside all these fascinating other pieces, which really helps build your personality.
YES THAT! That was really my only fandom/RL crossover, and it was a bit surreal to be walking down the street while flailing about those Winchester boys and their stupid FACES and other body parts. IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE, OF COURSE! I am so sad that I missed the Watchmen meetup. There are not enough of you awesome people who understand the ~epic love!
Heh. I do have some great RL friends that I watch SPN with each week- they're lovely and they know that I do things like go to Wincon and squee on the internet each week, but they remain quite happily outside of fandom. WE DO NOT SPEAK OF WINCEST. (They were actually out of the room when Sam and Dean discussed that, so, SAFE FROM EMBARRASSING QUESTIONS!) I think I've confessed some tinhattish leanings (HELLO, WHEN COSTARS COHABITATE, THIS NEWS MUST BE SHARED), but they have no idea how deeply I'm embedded in it all. Which is fine! They stay clear of the wackiness, but I still get to have 1) company while I watch and 2) the AMAZINGNESS of fandom anyway. Just walking down the street, I can think to myself about the INSANE AUs this fandom produces, and how just the THOUGHT of like, spacehooker!Jared or lord, ALL of the times this fandom has abused, maimed, and emotionally wrangled poor Jensen Ackles- it all brings SUCH GLEE! And 99% of the world will NEVER SHARE THAT! And it's sad! BUT WE GET IT ANYWAY
( ... )
I can't even imagine beginning to explain Wincest, but the J2 cohabitation - that seems much more 'hey, fun fact' rather than 'I obsess over these men & their relationship to a ridiculous degree'. I adore that I am reminded of fandom everyday through the most innocuous things - anything can have a dirty connotation once you introduce it to fandom! Now, when I see caramels, I think of either Jensen stuffing his mouth numb or the Fantales at AHBL.
Ahaha, yes! I remember wondering what the people at the tables around us were thinking as we discussed the wonders of the carbonated Padacock (...something like that?). I'm not sure I could ever handle a con, but being surrounded by fellow fandomers who get it would be so cool. I loved watching F13 and hearing other people freak out over the absolute perfection of Jared's ass!
Basically, this whole internets thing is sort of amazing. ♥
At the same time, I do wonder at who actually wants to read the strange mishmash of topics I post on- I talk about RL, about academia and Shakespeare, and squee about the ABSURD BEAUTY of Jared Padalecki. It's crazy to me that, yeah, we HAVE built a place for that sort of thing and it actually DOES bring people together over it.
*points to you* CASE IN POINT. :D
I do know that I would possibly literally crawl into a hole if RL people found my fic (which oh god I haven't posted at all. FAIL) because, y'know, there's the gay incest factor. I love journals like yours which mix it all together - you get the fandom squee alongside all these fascinating other pieces, which really helps build your personality.
YES THAT! That was really my only fandom/RL crossover, and it was a bit surreal to be walking down the street while flailing about those Winchester boys and their stupid FACES and other body parts. IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE, OF COURSE! I am so sad that I missed the Watchmen meetup. There are not enough of you awesome people who understand the ~epic love!
Ahaha, yes! I remember wondering what the people at the tables around us were thinking as we discussed the wonders of the carbonated Padacock (...something like that?). I'm not sure I could ever handle a con, but being surrounded by fellow fandomers who get it would be so cool. I loved watching F13 and hearing other people freak out over the absolute perfection of Jared's ass!
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