1- I had dinner at the Qualms on Saturday with Mary and Hayden, as hosted by former housemate Vernon and his girlfriend. Dinner was tacos; dinner conversation centered on who among the Greek pantheon could most truly be called 'hot' (answer: Artemis, DUH); after dinner entertainment was reading aloud creepy poetry. It reminded me of all that was best about three years living at the Qualms and a wave of nostalgia vast enough for Brideshead Revisited washed over me.
2- Sunday was spent watching BSG with
westerly and working on a production history of King Lear. Turns out said production history is basically 200+ years of explaining who fucked with the text NEXT. Ohhhh, Nahum Tate. We'll actually be reading his version next week, and I'm geekily psyched.
3- Sunday night, I decided I didn't want to cook anything in my cabinets, so I ordered in from my favorite local Indian restaurant. I got an order of chicken tikka masala that was for Monday's lunch and dinner, and some naan and tomato soup for that night. I tell you this because I apparently had a CRAZY ALLERGIC REACTION to the soup. My hand felt slightly tingly shortly after I finished eating, and when scratching my palm felt... odd, I looked down and saw that my palm and some of my fingers had BRIGHT RED PATCHES and were SLIGHTLY SWOLLEN. Also? Kind of... throbby. OH DEAR HEAVENS, I said, and washed my hand vigorously several times, in case it was from something external. I have no idea what caused it, but it faded after about 45 minutes. All I know is that I'm never ordering that soup again, and I ultimately DIDN'T have to play the fun game of 'So, exactly how swollen SHOULD Emily's hand get before she goes to the hospital?', so I count it as a WIN! \o/
4- Monday, I killed my favorite pair of blue pants. Longtime readers- YES. IT WAS
THOSE BLUE PANTS. D: I feel like I should have a memorial shrine for them. Light a candle and sing the Blue Pants Song at a special monthly service..
5- There were pictures at some point of Jared Padalecki holding a can of Diet Coke. It was kind of like Jesus decided I had been very, VERY good recently and had decided to reward me with the unification of my very favorite things.
6- Rehearsal for the Tavener/Bach concert continues apace. Joe arranged the seating chart so that, for what are the trickiest sections for my voice part, I am SURROUNDED by another section that is singing ONE STEP ABOVE ME FOR THE ENTIRE MELODIC LINE. I double checked with him last week what part I should be singing, so I take this arrangement as a compliment to my ability to stay on my part in the face of SEVERE adversity.
7- I got to write an overlong and rambly response paper tonight for my Digital Humanities course, where I basically got crotchety about the article extolling the virtues of hypermedia and sang the praises of the impracticality of books. For once, I had a Stephen Fry reference that I desperately wanted to use, but DIDN'T. This is largely because Fry's point was actually opposite my own, but I still think this is a victory over last semester, which was something of a FryQuoteapalooza.