I feel that a late-night snack of red bell pepper and chocolate soy milk might well be one of the most unique combinations I have ever ingested. Still, the individual components are tasty, so I am having at it with gusto! Although... Hmm. Wasn't there in The Story Girl an interlude where the kids are trying to get crazy, cracked out dreams on purpose, and so start eating really weird foods just before bed, and then one of the kids ALMOST DIES because she ate cucumbers with milk?
*eyes food*
Surely, fiction. Right?
ANYWAY. I had BSG night yesterday with the Js and Andrea, where there was much shrieking (on my part) and general confirmation of the theory Jason and I came up with last week (namely, that there has never been and NEVER WILL BE a happy episode of this damn show). Afterwards, it was suddenly 11:30 and I still hadn't gone home and Jason started making me shots... Suffice to say, revelry was had, booze was quaffed, McNuggets were consumed, and I didn't go to bed until 5AM, which is ABSURD for me.*
After chatting briefly with the Js in the morning, none the worse for wear, I took off for home and proceeded to collapse on my bed for a further two hours of sleep. I've squandered much of the weekend as far as actually doing my homework is concerned, so I shall have to be Very Industrious tomorrow morning, as there are plans afoot for a hot threesome that features Dean Forester and
balefully... So behind am I that I brought my Dramaturgy reading to
cisic's production of The Spanish Tragedy tonight and read at intermission, classy broad that I am.
At some point tomorrow, I have to write up a statement for Prof Big Cheese, with whom I'm doing an independent study on original practices Shakespeare this semester. Now, my problem is that when I think of how this statement will go, it basically boils down to this:
Dear Prof Big Cheese,
I want to study BOYS IN SKIRTS, because Shakespeare done with BOYS IN SKIRTS is ten times hotter/sexier/more awesome than Shakespeare done any other way. For this semester, I want to read about BOYS IN SKIRTS, watch any videos you have of BOYS IN SKIRTS doing Shakespeare, and generally talk about how BOYS IN SKIRTS are the coolest thing EVER.
I think that will go over well, don't you?
* No lie. When I was a kid having a sleepover, I first convinced the other girls that we needed to stay up ALL NIGHT... but then around 3AM got tired and then proceeded to climb up the couch, look out the window into the TOTALLY DARK NIGHT, and lied my TUCKUS OFF, telling the girls that I could see the sun come up so we could all go to bed. I'm kind of a bad person.