Simon Russel Beale urges me ONWARD!

Nov 23, 2008 21:44

I'm within sight of the end, at last. I have maybe... two more pages? Maybe three? My next paragraph will take me to the minimum page requirement; of course, my argument isn't done yet and I'm not entirely sure how much I have to say, exactly, but hey- two pages! I definitely have had to learn the hard way with this essay that the only way for me to write is to keep Firefox closed, only opening IE for the occasional excursion to

ARGH! See, I'm posting now instead of actually WRITING and that is sad and tragic and I only have one good hour of brain power* left in me so I'm going to go be a rock star now and GIT 'ER DONE.

* Why yes, I'm a poet. And I know it. I hope I don't blow it.

it's me plan!

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