You found your way out, originally uploaded by
Mon, Jan 24
So two young local cops were murdered a week before, trying to serve a warrant. What would be a fitting tribute, you might ask. Why, let's shut down a good chunk of Miami-dade country for a good part of the day....making tons of people late to work, having kids stuck at school cuz their parents are stuck, and making lots of businesses lose money due to we can have 500+ police cars parade uninterrupted through the streets of the church service, and then the funeral itself.
I have no problems paying tribute to a member of our community. But to cripple a city, and waste TONS of money on what amounts to a fucking PARADE, is not only ridiculous but unethical. Then again, this is Miami, a city/county hellbent on regaining it's throne of "most corrupt city in the country."
Thu, Jan 27
We got the puzzle done! Denise and I finished the Mickey Mouse photo-mosaic puzzle. We were at it for like 6 hours, and the puzzle is DONE.
Sat, Jan 29
Picked up Christie on the way home from work. Then we got Denise and went to Grand Lux. We had a was delicious, and many laughs were had. After we went to the beach for a bit, and then FIU north. We sat on these rocking bench things for a while and just acted like assholes for hours. haha. It was a fucking insane night, and I had so much fun with two of the most important people in my life.
Sun, Jan 30
I had meant to make it down to Pinecrest Gardens ever since Parrot Jungle moved from there over 8 years ago. This was my first trip. It brought back so many memories of a wonderful attraction. I have not been to Jungle Island, it's new incarnation, but I can be 100% sure that it will not come close to matching the beauty of the estate in Pinecrest. SO BEAUTIFUL! It was sad seeing a lot of the cages still there.
Later that night, my editing computer took its final crap. I spent all night trying to figure out what was's not the ram, not the video at this point I just decided to cut my losses and upgrade already.
Wed, Feb 2
Went to Lisa's for a bit after leaving work early. Nice to see her as always. As I drove home, there was insane fog EVERYWHERE. I was tempted to go attempt to photograph it, but I abandoned that effort in exchange for a fog bike ride. By the time I had gone back out it wasn't as foggy...but it was still cool.
Thu, Feb 3
Got the crown finally glued into my mouth. It didn't hurt, but I had a lot of pain later on. I passed by Stephanie's job hoping she was there...and she was! Twas nice to see her. Then went to BJs and got some groceries. I came home, put them away, and then left to go pick up Christie from work. Dropped her off, came back home. Gonna experiment with the pressure cooker later! Tahitian chicken!
- Inventory was moved up a week, and moved to a MONDAY. So basically, I am going to get fucked over of all the overtime I normally get because. Awesome.
- Pirate facebook. The language setting can be changed to 'pirate,' which has been amusing me for a week now
- I read the Alchemist. It sucks. Here's the review I wrote for it:
"Wow...I wasted 4 light-reading days on this? I cannot understand how this became a best seller worldwide, and how it has been translated into like 900 languages. I mean, I can totally understand how, for something to get that popular it would have to appeal to the likes of many non-readers. But if found this poorly written morality tale to be of minimal consequence.
For christ's sake (LITERALLY!), if I wanted to read this sort of material I would read the bible. At least while reading that I know what is the ultimate point. Here I started reading something that just turned into a "god is good, adventure and believe in yourself" good vs evil tale. And not even one that was well versed in any sort of outstandingly creative mechanics.
Not to mention that the storyline itself is unoriginal.
This was the first book in as far as I can remembered, that has actually pissed me off. I've been disappointed with books before, but this just made me angry. "