What Gollum really looked like before he found the ring (The Seas with Nemo), originally uploaded by
Wed, June 23:
After work, I went with Christie to see Toy Story 3. I wasn't in a huge rush to see it, but she wanted to and i had free movie cash. I am glad I did, I think it is my favorite of the series. While I know that at the time, the animation in part 1 was amazing, it really just...it's not amazing lol. But this time, they got it down right. Great story too
Thurs, June 24:
Skipped the usual Thursday "lunch at my old home then some dental work with my aunt" of the last few weeks...I needed a break. I was going to spend the day relaxing, but I ended up doing a lot of crap. Mostly cleaning, laundry, ironing. Denise came over and made some braised short ribs with risotto (i think?), which was pretty good. Then we watched the new Futurama. Good stuff!
Fri, June 25:
I was ready to spend the day at work remerching the acoustic room, because that's what Steve told me we were doing, but since they hadn't even started laying the laminate floor tile yet, that was a no go. I ended up doing a lot of other crap though. After work I came home and was so tired I skipped dinner and just went to sleep. For 10 minutes. then woke up lol
I ate, then went for a bike ride. It was nice, minus the insane wind. It's nice to have a new area to explore. Went about 9 miles. I drank far too much water though, I ended up feeling bloated and lame all night.
Sat, June 26:
Since I had to work Sunday this week, I took Saturday off instead. Woke up, went to my Mom's for lunch, then Flamingo Plaza. I was gonna spend the say exploring, and trying to get my original 'eye" back in shape, photography wise. That didn't pan out. It was really hot out! I was also trying to see some friends down south, since I never go south but they were all being laaaame!
I ended up meeting up with my Adventure buddies (Gary and Carolyn), and we attempted to go to Lake Okeechobee via this road Gary found on Google Maps. Too bad the road ends 5 miles in, and turns into a hiking trail that no vehicles (even bikes!) are allowed on. Lame! We saw some cool evergladesy things though. We went back and explored some more, finding South County Regional Park. What at first seemed like a huge waste of a park, ended up having a really cool nature trail near the end. We walked out, and it even had an observatory!
We continued driving, and ended up at Spanish River Park by the beach, and walked under a little tunnel to hit the beautiful and soft gray sand. After that we kept on driving and ended up at Il Mulino for dinner in Ft Laud.
Weird how different it is being out and doing stuff on a Saturday instead of a Sunday...even though for the most part the hours are the same, there's just a defeated feeling about Sundays. Great week/end, though!