Mar 11, 2008 18:15
Well, I FINALLY found a job. Mostly. I'm just waiting for the background check to clear, and there shouldn't be any problems with that. As for where, at the AM/PM right within 10 minutes walking of my place. It's pretty damn convenient, seeing as how I don't have my truck anymore. Now I can start saving and paying off crappy debt shit. Also saving to move out! Hopefully! :-p
Anyway, in other news... I've been reading a lot. Like, a lot a lot (yeah, I'm getting more litterate!) I've read 4 novels since moving back, and one of those was The Stand by Stephen King. It's FUCKIN HUGE. Over 1,100 pages. Ridiculous. I just started reading The Odyssey, but it's really boring me. People in that book talk FOREVER. That's how they dialog! Someone says something in a very excruciatingly long drawn out OLD fashion, and someone answers back the same way! I'm trying to get through to where it starts talking about Odysseus and his adventures or whatever, but it's all following around his damn son and shit! Alls he's doin' is asking around about Odysseus! It's freakin' boring! So what I'm trying to say here is, I need a new book. Preferably something that wasn't written thousands of years ago! AGH! Crappy book! D: