Sep 29, 2006 19:56
A good day indeed. After months of delay and indecision, the federal government today finally announced it's decision regarding our contract at my job. If you've read my previous posts on the matter, you know that my company has been waiting to know this decision for awhile and has been faced with large layoffs depending on the outcome. Today it was announced that we won the contract. So after nearly ten months of uncertainty regarding the future of my job, I finally know that I will not be getting laid off, but rather will have a whole lotta work. This contract is considerably larger than our last contract, which means we will be hiring about a hundred more people next spring. Seeing that I am the only full-time trainer in my department, I will be very busy. But it is exciting. I was in Chattanooga this morning when the decision was announced at an all-employee meeting. I listened in on the meeting via speaker phone, and when the announcement was made, the roar from the crowd of my coworkers was deafening, even through the shitty speakers on the phone. It sounded like what you would expect the coliseum to sound like if the Titans won the Super Bowl. People were crying for joy. It gave me goosebumps.
I'm back from Chattanooga now for good, and I'm ready to party hard this weekend.