Dec 26, 2008 01:03
So I did it! I made it till my 21st Birthday without ever drinking while at school. Ironically home is a little different. But here it is, I'm silently celebrating with a glass of good 'ole fashion H2O.
I hope everyone had a good Christmas. I spent it playing with the HD video cameras my dad got my sister and I for our trips, mine to New Zealand in a week. And watching MAMMA MIA! twice, once with the commentary. I'm not going to lie, Merryl Streep is kinda sexy. Oh and I also got awesome wolf slippers from my dad! I'd never buy them for myself, but because my dad got them it's cool. They're really comfy too. Pictures later if you want.
Anyway, today I'm sure will be a new adventure and we'll see where the new year takes us! Have a Happy New Year everyone.
21 and counting