Today, my brother and I went to help out my friend with moving her bureau (clothing dresser) from her storage unit to her house. When I got done backing my van into her driveway I heard my brother say something to this other guy that was helping us about hearing a sound. The other guy said he was wondering what that sound was 'cause he'd been hearing it all morning and couldn't figure it out. So my brother went off to investigate. I started carrying the dresser drawers into the garage. A short time later my brother returned to the garage with...
An abandoned baby kitten!
He said it was just sitting on a hill meowing a bunch. It was shivering. The friend we were helping with the move loves animals and the moment I saw it I knew she would keep it. It didn't look like anybody's pet, because it looked and smelled like it had been outside for awhile and there were stray cats that live in the forest behind her house. The poor kitty was so hungry and small! We took it to Petco to get some food and the nice ladies there helped us out. They thought the kitten was probably abandoned because it had teeth. Whatever! Cute kitten is cute!! I'm looking forward to going over and playing with it again.