xxDeadWhispers [8:34 PM]: i am like a light a light of brightness
Brokenglasss3 [8:34 PM]: where did that some from?
Brokenglasss3 [8:34 PM]: hehe
xxDeadWhispers [8:34 PM]: lol i have no idea
Brokenglasss3 [8:34 PM]: cool
xxDeadWhispers [8:43 PM]: im a power ranger
Brokenglasss3 [8:44 PM]: yay
Brokenglasss3 [8:44 PM]: POWER RANGER RED!
Brokenglasss3 [8:44 PM]: hehe
xxDeadWhispers [8:44 PM]: hehe
xxDeadWhispers [8:44 PM]: teeheee
xxDeadWhispers [8:44 PM]: i like skydancers
Brokenglasss3 [8:44 PM]: me too
xxDeadWhispers [8:44 PM]: OMG U DO??
Brokenglasss3 [8:44 PM]: the ribbon dancers
Brokenglasss3 [8:44 PM]: they were so cool
xxDeadWhispers [8:44 PM]: did u really watch that show?
Brokenglasss3 [8:44 PM]: yeah
Brokenglasss3 [8:45 PM]: hehe
xxDeadWhispers [8:45 PM]: omg alex, ur like the only person that i know that knows skydancers!!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:45 PM]: hehe
xxDeadWhispers [8:45 PM]: that is so effing awesome!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:45 PM]: i know!
xxDeadWhispers [8:45 PM]: im obsessed with them!!
xxDeadWhispers [8:45 PM]: lol
xxDeadWhispers [8:45 PM]: I LOVE yOU!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:45 PM]: hehe
xxDeadWhispers [8:45 PM]: well i used to be obsessed, know there like awesome
Brokenglasss3 [8:46 PM]: yeah i know
xxDeadWhispers [8:46 PM]: lol
xxDeadWhispers [8:47 PM]: wow i always wanted the pink girl to go out with SLAM the dude with the blonde hair i guess, and like i used to think of them making out...lol
Brokenglasss3 [8:47 PM]: hahaha cant say that i did...
xxDeadWhispers [8:47 PM]: lol
xxDeadWhispers [8:48 PM]: ive had a messed up mind since a long time...yes.
xxDeadWhispers [8:48 PM]: i had a dream that polly-pocket was trying to kidnap me last nite!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:48 PM]: thats so cool
xxDeadWhispers [8:48 PM]: lol
Brokenglasss3 [8:48 PM]: i loved polly pockets!
xxDeadWhispers [8:49 PM]: me too!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:49 PM]: i played with them all the time!
xxDeadWhispers [8:49 PM]: lol
xxDeadWhispers [8:49 PM]: me too it was so awesome like their little fashion store
Brokenglasss3 [8:49 PM]: yeah
Brokenglasss3 [8:49 PM]: except now they are all big
xxDeadWhispers [8:50 PM]: when i played with barbies, barbie used to always have like boyfriends, and they would always kiss, and then my ugly barbies would be the people i hate, and i would like have the pretty barbies make fun of them, and they would always like cry and stuff lol
Brokenglasss3 [8:51 PM]: yeah me too!
Brokenglasss3 [8:51 PM]: and they allways got in fights and the pretty barbies won
xxDeadWhispers [8:51 PM]: lol omg ya!
xxDeadWhispers [8:51 PM]: i was a messed up kid
Brokenglasss3 [8:51 PM]: me too
xxDeadWhispers [8:51 PM]: ....i think i still am....lol
Brokenglasss3 [8:51 PM]: me too
xxDeadWhispers [8:52 PM]: lol
Brokenglasss3 [8:52 PM]:
http://www.hasbro.com/pl/page.recall_skydancers/dn/images/skyd.gif Brokenglasss3 [8:52 PM]: hehe its a picture of a skydancer
Brokenglasss3 [8:53 PM]: i was searching for them on google
xxDeadWhispers [8:53 PM]: lol
xxDeadWhispers [8:53 PM]: OMG!!
xxDeadWhispers [8:53 PM]: its the toys!!
xxDeadWhispers [8:53 PM]: i totally forgot about that!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:53 PM]: yeah
xxDeadWhispers [8:53 PM]: they had these spinny things at the bottom, and when u let go or sumthing the skydancer would fly!!!!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:54 PM]: i had one and i played with it all the time
xxDeadWhispers [8:54 PM]: and the wings would go wooo
Brokenglasss3 [8:54 PM]: yeah
xxDeadWhispers [8:54 PM]: me too i had a few tho
xxDeadWhispers [8:54 PM]: i loved those things
Brokenglasss3 [8:54 PM]: and when you you pulled it a bunch of times it would go wooo
xxDeadWhispers [8:54 PM]: wow that is so weird, alex, i had totally forgotton about that!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:54 PM]: hehe
Brokenglasss3 [8:55 PM]: oh my god wendy i cant beleive you
xxDeadWhispers [8:55 PM]: that is so awesome!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:55 PM]: im going to try to find mine tonight!
xxDeadWhispers [8:55 PM]: wut lol?
Brokenglasss3 [8:55 PM]: then bring it to school tomorow
Brokenglasss3 [8:55 PM]: i cant believe you forgot
Brokenglasss3 [8:55 PM]: hehe
xxDeadWhispers [8:55 PM]: i wanna find mine too, i bet its in the garage
xxDeadWhispers [8:55 PM]: lol
xxDeadWhispers [8:55 PM]: omg that is so awesome
xxDeadWhispers [8:55 PM]: i wanna go find mine!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:55 PM]: i think mines in my sisters closet
xxDeadWhispers [8:56 PM]: lol i hope i still have mine!!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:56 PM]: im prettty sure i still have mine
xxDeadWhispers [8:56 PM]: ill bring mine too if i find it, and we can play with it at lunch tomorrow!!!!
Brokenglasss3 [8:56 PM]: i hope so
xxDeadWhispers [8:56 PM]: LOL
Brokenglasss3 [8:56 PM]: yeah
Brokenglasss3 [8:56 PM]: that will be awesome!
xxDeadWhispers [8:56 PM]: teehee
Brokenglasss3 [8:57 PM]: i want to find mine
xxDeadWhispers [8:57 PM]: me too
Brokenglasss3 [8:57 PM]: thats what im going to do
xxDeadWhispers [8:58 PM]: yuppers