Jul 06, 2011 07:23
There is a growing class of women in this country, disgustingly overweight, huffing around in grey sweatpants, hopelessly addicted to the kinds of magazines you see at grocery store checkout stands, who are utterly incapable of distinguishing between strong belief and certain knowledge. They pass judgement on all the issues of the day, drawing on their profound reserves of ignorance and exercising their democratic right to mouth the most idiotic opinions, and when it came to Casey Anthony, these gabbling porkers just "knew" that the poor woman was guilty. Had they lived three hundred years earlier, they would have watched gleefully as women accused of witchcraft were burned alive at the stake.
Well, it would appear that summoning "experts" to the witness stand to tell us that a certain "smell" someone noticed three years ago was "consistent with" human decomposition does not, in fact, constitute evidence, nor does an utter lack of any concrete factual evidence prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a mother murdered her daughter.
The mainstream news media -- the same ones who seemed incapable of noting that George W. Bush lacked any evidence whatsoever of weapons of mass destruction before invading Iraq, largely joined in the chorus of Casey Anthony bashing, and they seem surprised that a jury would actually demand something more than strong belief before condemning a woman to certain death. They were equally shocked when the Ramseys could not be prosecuted for the death of their daughter, and they were shocked when a jury dismissed the lies of a racist, evidence-planting cop in the O.J. Simpson trial.
Tough shit, morons.