May 05, 2011 13:53

The only plausible conclusion that can be drawn from the conflicting accounts of the U.S. raid on the alleged Pakistani bin Laden hideout is this: bin Laden is NOT dead; he is alive or was taken alive for “special” interrogation.

It does not compute that the most wanted man on earth would wait calmly in his bedroom while two U.S. assault helicopters land in his back yard and two dozen Navy SEALS rampage through the ground floor and second floor of the house, killing a courier and his wife, before entering the third floor bedroom sanctuary. It makes no sense that only THEN would bin Laden “lunge” for his AK-47.

Nor does it make sense that the U.S. would not make every effort to capture this man alive. He is a gold mine of information on the entire al Qaeda network. Stun grenades, tear gas, or other chemical agents could easily have been fired into the premises prior to the manned assault in order to disable, but not kill this man. Every police department in the country has this technology. The SEALS don’t?

Mr. Bin Laden is either undergoing, or has recently undergone, extreme interrogation involving every form of inhumane torture known to the CIA. If his interrogation is not already completed, he will be executed and his body will be destroyed once the "extraordinary rendition" torture team is finished.

The U.S. government is spreading the outrageous rumor of bin Laden's death in order to lull bin Laden's confederates into a false sense of security, while in reality, electric shocks to his gonads and other inducements are being administered at this very moment in an effort to trace his network and apprehend his lieutenants. Why on earth would the U.S. want this man dead when he would be far more valuable hanging upside down in a CIA torture cell with cattle prods up his anus?

There are no photos of the alleged body. There is no evidence the man was killed. There is only the preposterous story that he calmly awaited the arrival of the SEALS in his bedroom and THEN "lunged" for his AK-47. Even the doggerel concocted by hack fiction writers like Tom Clancy would have presented a more plausible scenario: flash-bang stun grenades and tear gas fired through his windows before the SEAL team breaks down his bedroom door, for instance.

The U.S. government, under Obama, continues the Bush policy of ghoulish torture. The "official" story of this raid is so unbelievable that, as a friend of mine put it, a bigfoot sighting has more credibility. WHY are there no photos of his body? Because he was taken ALIVE.

To insult our intelligence even further, barely a few hours had elapsed before the U.S. government was crowing that it had "DNA evidence" that the man they supposedly gunned down was bin Laden. Huh? Since when does a DNA test yield same day results?

The “official” account simply makes no sense. This account does.

Spread the word. Once again, the American government LIES and lies shamelessly.
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