Nov 20, 2004 09:49

1. What time do you get up? depends on the day.. but always before 9.. always

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would be? tucker/alorie/birdy/tirza/nate/garret/rj/garnet hummmm too many

3. Gold or silver? silver so pretty!

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? eh...i dont member...

5. What is your favorite TV show? simpsons

6. What do you have for breakfast? i dont like to eat in the mornings

7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? no offence but chatterbox.. or george bush id kill him! AARRR

8. When is your birthday and sign? June 24th, CANCER.. me and missy's  (i stole that from missy and altered it) CANCER ROCKS!

9. What is your middle name? Linn i know so boring but it can be "rin" too!

10. Beach, City or Country? beach.. i love the ocean and the waves and yay!

11. Favorite ice cream? moose tracks~

12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? lots of butter and a good amounth of salt! yum

13. Favorite color? Metalic silver, or blood red! but any color mixed with silver rocks anyway

14. What kind of car do you drive? um my mommies -.- i need my licence AND my own car! arg

15. Favorite sandwich? veggie italian, no onions or lettace.. lots of salt pepper and oil!

16. What characteristic do you despise? low self esteem.. @.@

17. Favorite flower? lilacs, roses and ssunflowers.. so pretty!

18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a
vacation, where would you go? Japan.. or china.. but i wouldnt come back! ^.^ no vaca if you can get me there you cant get me back!

19. What color is your bathroom? i dont know we dont color cordinate things

20. Favorite brand of clothing? erm whatever looks interesting.. i dont care anymore.. if gap made better clothes id wear them too! (BUT THEY SUCK!)

21. Where would you like to retire to? japan! ^.^ the vast fields and mountains!

22. Favorite day of the week? friday

23. What did you do for last birthday? went to the beach and had a sleep over with a  bunch of people i kinda didnt know very well and had a not best time ever

24. Where were you born? in the milky way ^.^

25. Favorite sport to watch? football if and only if it is the superbowl and the patriets are playing

26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? anyone on earth

27. Person you expect to send it back first? the extraterristials.. the read my livejournal sometimes and visit me if they like what they read (shit i just told their secret!)

28. Shower, or Bath? bath if.. we.. like had a tub working?

29. Coke or Pepsi? gaterade

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? neither it all just sucks and i want to sleep

31. What is your shoe size? 7 or 7.5

32. Do you have any pets? i have buddy now.. and the ghost kitty in the basement but i think she will kill me soon or her owner.. eep!

>>*~*be honest*~*
>>OK, here we go!
>>1. My name:
>>2. Where did we meet?:
>>3. Take a stab at my middle name:
>>4. How long have you known me?:
>>5. How well do you know me?:
>>6. Do I smoke?:
>>7. Do I believe in God?:

>>8. When you first saw me, what was your impression?
>>9. My age?:
>>10. My birthday?:
>>11. Hair color?:
>>12. Eye color?:
>>13. Am I tall or short or average?:
>>14. Do I have any siblings?:
>>15. (opp. sex) Have you ever had a crush on me?:
>>16. (same sex) Have you ever been jealous of me?
>>17. Who am I in love with?:
>>18. What is one of my favorite things to do?:
>>19. Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?:
>>20. What's your funniest memory of me?:
>>21. What's my favorite type of music?:
>>22. What is my best feature?:
>>23. What is my worst feature?:
>>24. Do you look up or down on me... as a person?:
>>25. Do you think I have morals and values?:
>>26. Am I a leader or a follower?:
>>27. Am I shy or outgoing?:
>>28. Can you picture me dancin'?:
>>29. Can you picture me rollin'?:
>>30. Would you say I am funny?:
>>31. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?
>>32. Do I have any special talents?:
>>33. What's my best accomplishment?:
>>34. Would you consider me a friend?:
>>35. Would you call me...(Check all that apply):
>>{ } Preppy
>>{ } Slutty
>>{ } A homie
>>{ } Average
>>{ } Sporty
>>{ } Punk
>>{ } Hippie
>>{ } Glam
>>{ } Nerdy
>>{ } Snobby
>>{ }Or something else? PLEASE EXPLAINE:
>>36. Have you ever seen me cry?:
>>37. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?:
>>38. What is your favorite thing to do with me?:
>>39. Do I drink alcohol?:
>>40. Do I do drugs?:
>>41. Have I ever been there for you?:
>>42. Am I fun to be with?:
>>43. Am I conservative or unconservative?:
>>44. Do ya love me?:
>>45. Name one way I have changed your life or made an impact in it:
>>46. Would you kiss me? (opp. sex)

What girls REALLY want from a guy.

Dear Boys,
Us girls want you to,
Tell us that you love us, tell us that you need us. Tell us that when were not around you are not happy. Tell us how you really feel. Tell us that you care. Hug us. Hold us in your arms close and when we try to let go, hold us closer. Wipe away our tears. Kiss away our tears. give us back massages. wisper in our ears. Stand up for us. Make sure we know the way you feel about us, I love you is not good enough. send an e-mail just to say I Love You. Make a phone call just to say I love you. play with our hair. caress us with your fingertips. ask us if were happy. tell us you will always be there for us. Tell your freinds how much you love us. But most of all, dont do any of this, if you dont really mean it. I love you!

us gurls

(i bet a REALLY ditzy girl wrote that!)
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