what the 'voice' in my head tells me!

Mar 17, 2005 14:39

well i can honestly say i havent felt this sad lonely and down for a while now, i am also pretty much constantly tired and feeling sick, i dont quite know what to do with myself, still i havent given up on life yet, i am just a bit tired of it.....if thats possible, i feel like on one hand whatever im tired and i cant be arsed and yetthers a part of me says you cant feel like this look at everything you have you're not allowed to feel this way (or maybe thats just lynnes words resounding in my head) i dunno, i cant write read sleep even tho i wanna do all of the above i been sat wrapped in blankie all day, and so badly wanted mum, i know shes gotta work how pathertic is it that at 22 im so dependant and reliant and needy of my mum......sad iknow but sadly also true.....i should be grateful for havon her there not a pathetic excuse who bemoans her lot in life, i have a damn sight more than some people i know....come on hope get your head together adn get a grip on things...its hard and sometimes its gonna be but thats life girl, it aint never gonna come handed on a plate to you and why the hell should it? everyone has to work for what they get in life, fair nuff some harder than others but there are people out there stil fighting for even just a little of what you have, would give their right arm to get a fraction of what you have gained so come on and sort it out! You have screwed up and hurt yourself, so what, lifes full of screw ups and mistakes.....its how you cope with bad feelings in your life, so pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get on with it!!!#
Nuff said
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