Good Stuff!

Sep 04, 2005 04:22

Well... looks like Shandi and I have a place to live now. We're getting a house actually and not an apartment. Suprising, to say the least. I didn't expect a house for awhile. So, should be moving out of this place soon and over to Ohio! :)(: Finally get to live with my baby! :)(:
Velocity as excellent tonight, for the most part. Paul London vs Brian Kendrick was a hella nice match. Good stuff from both guys there. It's good to see Spanky back in WWE... I hope this is the start of the Cruiserweight division getting a shot in the arm. Though, Vince banning alot of the risky top rope moves is some shit that could put a damper on it.
Super Crazy vs Nunzio... what can I say?! It was fantasic. Both these guys are still amazing wrestlers and have great chemistry together. Makes me miss the days of their many 3 Way Dances in ECW with Yoshihrio Tajiri. Some really good commentary from Josh Matthews helps Velocity alot too. Romero is fairly lame, but Josh has gotten much much better. He should be moves up to SmackDown! and Cole moved down to Velocity.
That's all for now... I'm hungry, tired and I should've been in bed quite awhile ago. Let's go eat sushi or something!
~TV's Lucas
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