I had a fun time at Wondercon last Saturday and wanted to post some pics. It's the first con that I haven't worked since 2006 and the first comicon I've been to in 8 years. I did end up working a little bit helping at the Yes Anime! Booth. Emory was theretoo working that booth most of the day so I could go play. Awwww!
Anyway, I'll get on to posting the pics since it takes me a while with HTML and all that fun stuff.
First up is me and Carrie Fisher from Star Wars!!
I would have got an autograph from Mark Hamill but he was more expensive.....
He waved at me though so I could take a quick pic!!
Me and R2-D2
Some guy with the same Tattoo as me!!
Erin Grey and me! (She's in Buck Rogers and Silver spoons and some other stuff. I got this pic for Emory hehehe)
Me and Buddy Christ
The Spaceballs crew
The happy prisoner...
Can you find Emory in this pic?? I can tee hee hee
I took some other pics but those were my favorite. Carrie Fisher autographed this awesome Slave-Leia pic for me. I need to take a picture of that to upload too. It's HAWT!
There was also an Emily the Strange booth there which was rad and I went to the Dark Horse panel and they said there'd be an Emily Strange movie coming out soon. Coolies!
Oh and I also really liked this artist there named Misty Benson. She has some wicked-cute stuff called "Morbidly Adorable Creations" which I would definately recommend to any freaky person like myself. I bought her book and a couple of prints and she even put some of her pics in Cameo-jewelry so I had to pick me up one of those too. It's rad. Her LJ name is gossamerfaery so go take a look at her stuff!! (Leslie, I know you'll love it too!!)
K love you kitties! I'll try to write again soon. Oh and Happy Almost B-Day, Shannon!!! *Hugz*