Aug 13, 2006 17:05
Becoming the person I have always wanted to be is getting harder now. But I must stay focused in life to become him. My new favorite person is drawing closer and I feel we are reaching a new level. I’m very happy in this stage of life and its only getting better. One thing that does bother me is the yearning for success but the lack of attitude to focus on it. One day I will be gun ho then next day I want to sleep for hours and not do anything. I’m hoping I don’t have a deficiency somewhere in my head that is blocking me from my dreams cause I certainly don’t remember them anymore. Looking down this long and dusty road doesn’t seem like a bad thing just something I need to focus on and maybe get a ride 25% of the way. My new focuses are real estate, love, and programming. Stick to it and don’t abandon anything. Till the next post.
Pe@ce Fuckers - Fr33dom - Fuck the Gov3rnm3nt