[IX.] Sleep.

Feb 01, 2008 06:07

That was thoroughly unpleasant. Was it really necessary to punish every single one of us? And with such terrible timing?

Apologies to anyone who was concerned. I was made to sleep through that entire incident, likely due to my current state of being. Speaking of...

Residents of Loh, protection for your plants will no longer be necessary, at least for the time being, as I am currently staying elsewhere.

Residents of Nyi, you may wish to speak to Mamoru Chiba if you find that your food is rotting faster or your plants are dying.

[Screened to residents of Nyi-Tessera \\ Viewable by Wammy's folk]

Hello. Nevermind me, I am only staying for a little while. Your eyes are not deceiving you. There are, in fact, three of us here.

[Screened to Ayumi \\ Viewable by Wammy's folk]

I meant to return, but they insist on keeping me here. Please do not be concerned. We are all unharmed.

[Screened to AU!Naruto \\ Viewable by Wammy's folk]

I have heard much about you.

I realise that, given my relationship with Shukaku and the enmity between you two, I have very little right to ask this of you, however... Would you be willing to train me?

[Screened to both Matts \\ Viewable by Wammy's folk]

Happy birthday. I would have loved to visit you both today, but I imagine you will feel much better if I do not. May today be as pleasant as it can be, given these surroundings.

au: matt, au: b, au: naruto, au: l, cuff incident, ou: b, ou: matt

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