Hermes far too Well

Jul 26, 2010 10:40

You may reply either in or out of character. The knowledge gained can't be retained beyond this meme.

To get started...
Not going in-character for this!

Full name.

Age, physical and mental.
Physically: divine. Mentally: mid-20s or so.


Height and weight.

Hair and eye color.
Blond/black and…white?

Clothing preference.
Green. Whatever doesn’t make him stand out when he throws on a guise…unless being suspicious is a plus.

Alignment, D&D-style.
Chaotic Neutral.

Everyone's special~

Innate supernatural powers.
Godly trickster powers.

“Artificially” gained abilities.
Uuummm what?

Non-magical skills.
Persuasion, gambling, winning, circumventing, s-so many.

Three areas of expertise.
See Non-magical skills.

Trained skills.
Haha hahaha ha.

Self-taught skills.
Skinning cows?

Languages spoken.
All of them. He’s a god of communication.

Anything that doesn't fit.
The thing that doesn't go anywhere else.


A mountain.


So many!

Two distinct childhood memories.
Inventing an instrument and killing cows.

Something that marked the end of childhood.
Probably being taken to mount Olympus.

Three defining events.
First, the story of his birth. Second, his argument in favor of keeping the Golden Fleece among mortals. Third, how Hermes acted towards the issues at Saria. In that he didn’t act at all and might've heard the centaurs accusing him out of the blue and asked, “What’s all this about me divinely punishing my children on my sacred island?”

Greatest failure.
Hermes fails indeed, and he's comfortable enough with his failures to introduce himself by them. Sometimes more than once. But his greatest failure is headcanon, and I haven't come up with it yet.

Something you wish you had done or said.
Hermes has few regrets for he has no shame.

Something you would take back.
What can long be stolen from the god of thieves?

Best-kept secret.
Either that he can’t lie or that he’s (a tiny, tinny bit) more compassionate than he lets on. In Rise of the Argonauts, one of his god powers is termed "Mercy of the Gods," after all.

Fondest memory.
Probably something with Lykas, because Hermes said, “Let nothing come between us again.”

Friends, enemies, etc.

Best friend.

Worst enemy.
Calling Callas his worst enemy would be stretching it A LOT. Hermes doesn’t really have enemies.

Most important person you've lost.
Hmm. Various lovers.

A non-relative you would consider family.
No one.

Someone you wrongly trusted.
Agrios, possibly, for him refusing to give the slain Callas Last Rites, and by doing so, passed his refuse on to Hermes.

Someone you never understood.

Someone whose trust you've broken.
Though it’s mostly indirect, too many people to count (god of cunning, what do you expect), in that most of the time he sneaks into people’s lives and causes turmoil, weirdness, or misunderstandings via throwing on random (or relevant) people guises or inspiring people to do certain things that (in alignment with this question of trust murdering) negatively impacts either their lives, someone else’s, or something connected to them. Basically, every sapient being on the planet is Hermes’ potential interactive soap opera. He also loves his loopholes.

Newest friend.
Hermes doesn’t have many friends because he manipulates people and gets them under the impression he’s honestly personally interested in them. Seeing as how he’s a god, there really isn’t much he aspires to, so people keep him entertained.

Your boss or superior.
Motherfucking Zeus, bitches.

A subordinate.
He prefers the other to be seen as his colleague.

A crush.
None very recently.

An old flame.
Herse, mainly.

Virtues and flaws

Strongest personality trait.

Weakest personality trait.
Hermes’ flighty nature.

A way you've grown.
From child to adult. :P

Oldest flaw.

Most practical skill.
Persuasion is always practical.

Three positive words.
Positive, adventurous, witty.

Three negative words.
Erratic, hard-hearted, vague.

Most noticeable virtue.
His intelligence.

Most noticeable flaw.
His great enjoyment of nonsense? His extreme distancing of emotional attachment? His remarkably manipulative nature? The obscure oddity of being the god of liars yet entirely unable to lie himself?

This or that?

Day or night.

Optimism or pessimism.

Family or friends.

Leader or follower.

Crowds or small groups.
Small groups for conversations. Crowds for thieving.

Television or books.

Listener or talker.

Magic or science.

Summer or winter.


Religious views.
He IS a religious view.

Favorite color.

What you'd bring to a desert island.
A land bridge.

Whether you'd hit a girl.

Preferred type of music.

Best vacation spot.
Bars/taverns/inns/ancient Greek casinos.

Three wishes.
First, a clever beneficial thing. Second, another clever beneficial thing. Third, more wishes.


Your reaction if you met this character.
Mentally: [brain break] Orally: What do you want?

Whether you would hug them.
O-oh gods no.

How much you enjoy playing them.
A little. He’s very difficult, because I am dense and honest and have a foggy head.

Whether you would want to be them.
…Maybe a little?

How you would see them - friend, enemy, crush, etc.
I’d see him as an awesome acquaintance, but would try to keep it to myself.

What you would have in common.
Well, we’re both interested in communication (or, rather, he led me to being interested in it). Other than that, not much that comes to mind.

What you would have to explain to them about the real world.
Not so much the real world as the modern world.

Your ideal day spent with them.
…A day spent with Hermes. Let’s…cut that down to maybe an hour and assume he won’t trick, steal from, humiliate, sexually assault, or randomly abandon me in any possible way. My ideas would be boring and basic, so really I’d likely just end up agreeing with whatever he wants to do/go see/ect.. Also I’d probably scrawl down whatever he says in the little pocket notebook I always take around with me, so he’d notice that and gradually say things that were more out of character to see if I’d pick up on it and I probably wouldn’t until it was blatantly obvious, which would then led to me pondering deeply over about just where the OOC comments began, and what if he threw in some OOC ones before the obvious OOC comments to throw me off even more.

a gift of story, !out of character, isn't it a wonder

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