Mar 20, 2006 22:07
today was peculiar, i won't lie.
it was the 1st day back at school now that spring break is over.
boooooooooo. yeah fuck, whatever.
& i won't be stuck up
nor materialistic,
nor cocky,
nor judgemental...
but for the 1st time in a long time
i felt good about my own self.
i laugh my face off now, because i talk out of my ass
& half of this doesn't make sense
but it's true, i liked me today.
because no one knows how many times i pump my mascara tube
or how many coats i put on with the wand
or if my legs are shaved under my jeans
maybe they know i use bronzer.
but i smiled back at the mirror this morning
-i'm sick of missed calls.
-& morals, & how they should be kept.
-i hate the fact that i can't write for my own life.
-& that i won't ever find someone that will accept me.
-friends are like home, they really do warm the heart.
-& some are just "good friends"...i bet...i fucking bet.
it's truly unpredictable to come across someone whom you've admired for so long, walks away from you, forever & shows up the next. you don't speak but somehow you just pick up where you left off
EDIT: i saw her today at school, & she smiled & waved...we never talk or at least we haven't since last year.
& that was today in a nutshell.