Well, hell.

Apr 10, 2007 05:08

It must be two for one night; the sleeping pills and the insomnia are having a knock down drag out fight, so my current thought process is getting slapped onto a journal while my body picks a side.

Can't remember how to do a goddamn cut; sorry, but you 'friend' types get the brunt of my nighttime ramblings.

I've been pondering my taste in music lately, and decided that it's not as simplistic as it seems. On the surface... if I find a song catchy, I like it. Easy enough. My pattern of song-love is to find something, go OH HOLY HELL THAT'S COOL and proceed to either a) leave it on repeat until my brain can't stand it anymore or b) toss it on a playlist of similar enjoyed songs that is left on repeat until my brain can't stand it anymore. The music that gets past the Hey I Enjoy This filter is varied; generally, a single song or two. Often something I would have said OH GOD NOT THAT a year or two ago is plucked from similiar still disliked music and enjoyed. For example-- I'm not a fan of any of the following artists, but I have a few of their songs: Rhianna, Pussycat Dolls, Fallout Boy, Deftones, Offspring, Bad Religion, Institute. There are only a few artists who I enjoy to the point of multiple song enjoyment: Nelly Furtado, Disturbed, Marilyn Manson, Annie Lenox. And only three artists that I have a sweeping love for that ingulfs entire CDs: Evanescence, Flyleaf, and (my personal favorite artist, and half-way musical hero) Sarah McLachlin.

Most of my music taste can be summed up in the definitions Rock and Alternative music. It sounds good, I like it. It's cool.

There is only one 'sort' of songs that tends to stick with me through the usual infaturation; there's a special breed, having nothing in common save one singular similarity. I call this Hip Movement Beatline. Something about these songs just makes me want to move. I suppose if I wanted to put more of a mental thought to it-- viceral songs. It's not as much the lyrics as the -sound- of them, the way they play like the auditory equivilent of someone ghosting fingers up your spine. Or, at least, that's the impact they have on me. They don't have to be particularly 'sexy' songs (though a number of them are), they just have to reach fingers into your chest, and pull at you. They /demand/ of you. Other songs canjol, tease, flirt, barter, banter; try to sell themselves to you. These songs grab me by the collar, shake me a bit, and say, "Stop using your goddamn brain, and FEEL it, for christ's sake."

And when a song's got you by the front of the shirt-- you listen to it when it rants.

I feel it.

It's a serpentine thing, for the most part-- as I said. Fingers up your spine, that urge to shift and move. Dance impulse. Others have a more emotional effect; you stay still, but your mind locks to the lyrics; follows them, understands, commiserates. Sometimes there's tears or anger or hurt, but they bleed out by the end.

Despite the differences, they all have the same selling point.

(You probably all think I'm crazy. That's okay. Sometimes I wonder, too.)

I'll wrap this little meandering monologue up with a list of a few of such songs. Go rip them off the interweb, and enjoy.

El Tango De Roxanne -- Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
Nikki Don't Stop -- Low Millions
Smoke Baby -- Hawksley Workman
After Dark -- Tito and Tarantula
Frozen -- Celldweller
System -- Chester Bennington (Check the Queen of the Damned soundtrack)

Umm. Shortened list. That's a few of them-- mostly of the 'move yourself' variety. (Most of the emotional ones are... personal, to me, so I'm a bit less willing to share. Maybe some other time.)

Looks like insomnia is winning. I'm going to go drug myself further, lay down, and wait for tomorrow to be a new day.

rambling, music

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