Apr 16, 2006 02:15
I know I haven't blogged in several months.
I soent all of November working on several events or Transgender Day Of Remembrance (that anti-hate/anti-murder thing I keep talking about), and oddly enough I w3as trying to court a fellow trans activist during *dudbn;t work out, don't hear from him these days). I then stayed with my family til about February, then went to Convocation (big pagan conference), had lots of intyersting excperiences (and have decided that screw it,. IO'm gonna start putting some of the spiritual stuff in here if it comes up), ,ay even puit something in about that con. Since then I've been working on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical for Penguicon (www.penguicon.org). iw that I've an amazing Anya in Rennie (tat!!!( evcerything will be fine with Buffy.
:ast night I celebrated (unsure of exact day/weel) that I've been out as trans or genderqueer or whatever words I've used, for 11 years now. Thanks Amy and Rain for the ooportunity to prove I'm struill a lihtweight at drinbking, and that I still talk like Scotty on Star Trek after even one drink :D And I'm glad I've been able to be myself all these teaesm tgar's something I wouyldn't trrade for anbttgubg. I just wish Jull Dehefsky (dybbi uf soelled gher name right), the first person I ever told about the gender stuff, was still in my life to see how far U've come since that day we went into the park and I started talking about it all for the first time.