(no subject)

Jan 14, 2012 19:44

I'm on the uncomfortable edge of being too smart for my own good (trust me kids, it don't take much) and shrinking into a wall-eyed state of catatonia from sheer social paranoia. The question is do I burn out more brain cells, more memories, more of the stuff that makes me who I am for the convenient numb dumb ignorant bliss that will ensue
Or is it time to be brave?
Thinking too much leads to unpleasant truths. Stupidity is a bit shameful when I have done it to myself through systematic drug abuse and even (gasp!) allowing myself to have seizures. Yeah.
It would be easier if this brain thing did not heal it's self over time. Sort of feels like wakin' up next to a stranger and puzzling over just what I have done. Oh, the horror.
At least this time there aren't any new tattoos or piercings.
This time I'll stop hiding.
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