My deepest apologies LJ-verse, for my lurking. I kept promising myself I'd post but it just never came together. Even now, I should be studying most likely, but It's been far too long.
Med school ~ July rang the end of most of my classes. Pharm with it's relentless flow of obscurely named chemicals that will be out of date and replaced by the time I have the power to prescribe them. Radiology where we pretended to see fat pads on tiny x-rays and OMM where we continued to learn the D.O. adage "Power of Touch", only this time it was the power of the high velocity twisting of your neck. NMS (Neuromuscularskeletal) remains the only dominating thought, even though our lectures are still 8am-3pm most days. We've learned about everything from inflammatory diseases to herniated discs. NMS is the first of our "system" courses, the special category granted only to 2nd year courses. In non textbook news, I was able to do a tour of Providence in Detroit. I was slightly late but got the general idea. It wasn't too bad, but the only reason I was considering it was because of the dual accreditation (DO/MD) programs. Unless Metro in Grand Rapids is especially heinous, I think I'm gravitating more towards that.
Independence Weekend ~ Courtney and I went interior camping in the Pictured Rocks of U.P. fame. Though we were clearly amateurs, the weather couldn't have been more phenomenal. Just look
it all is. Courtney was a bit hesitant once she realized our campsite was a 3 mile hike from the trailhead but she was a real trooper, even without the proper equipment. We fell asleep to the sounds of the calming waves of Lake Superior under the most stunning star studded skies I'd ever had the pleasure of seeing. It was the first time I didn't mind going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. We got to see some of the natural wonders that the U.P. had to offer and overall had a blast being out of the range of internet and cell phone towers
Housing ~ Brandon and I are going to be roommates come mid July. I imagine the free time we do find will be filled with much biking. I wasn't able to try for the Delmac as it clashed with my intensive preceptorship this summer but we're definitely thinking of honing up on our running and swimming for a possible Hawk Tri next spring.
Weddings ~ I've got about 4 lined up this summer. The 1st was yesterday, my best highschool friend Matt. I was best man, and it was a stellar time. It was the first time I'd felt comfortable giving a rousing best man speech. Overall and incredibly blessed time. I look forward to the rest.