
Dec 04, 2006 19:33

I drove to work today. It was scary (scarier driving home). It's been a long time since I've driven by myself anywhere, and Edmonton's roads are pretty nasty, especially now. I feel a lot more confident now that I have driven.

I was kinda pissed though, a friend of James' who normally doesn't irk me, I find can be sort of condescending. I was planning to pick Marc up from the airport, but he rang me, and said he was going to. I said I didn't mind. James tells me though, that he turned around and rang him, and said he was going to do it, and I shouldn't because I don't know how to drive here. The last time he did something like this, he tried to sell me his parents' old Honda. I said I didn't want it a couple of times, and he still tried to sell it to James. I don't know if his deal is that he doesn't see women as having the last word or what, but fuck!

In fact, I find a lot that James' friends can be condescending to me because of my age. I'm 6 years younger than them. Big deal. It doesn't really make me want to go away with them and 20 more 30+ year olds for New Years.

Not everything is bad, just getting that off my chest. We're going to Dublin in May, to see my family who are headed there also. I really like my job, and I think I do well there. It feels good to be told how happy they are with me. And soon I start working from home, YAY! Hurrah for not going out in the Edmonton winters.

And now I have to get a Secret Santa for my female team lead. Any ideas?
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