kill yourself, see if i care

Nov 23, 2003 00:15

so yea, tonight sucked...SUPPOSEDLY, i just missed brendan by a few minutes...i swear i was waiting at gregs for at least 15 minutes. but whatever. I apologize Brendan.

I rented JFK, fell asleep during mom comes home, wakes me up, and tells me i have to bring her to work [at mercy hospital] tomorrow at fucking 6....that equals a fucking bad mood. I dont know how to get to mercy, nor do i know how to get back.

Then, i have to fucking work, and fucking Big hairy ball licking Y at noon, til fucking 6pm. Id say, people come visit me...but no one ever has be4, why would anyone.

No one really cares...its sad that, by not going to a show in southwick, equals having no one else to hang out with. Does that say i need more friends?...fucking gaY

I spent almost $3 on whipped cream, thats gucking fay

Does anyone wanna hang out after work tomorrow?

guaranteed no one will reply to that, and ill spend yet another, full weekend, basically alone.

No girlfriend i can have over and watch movies with... no friends that are around... i really have a lame life.

Id like to jam with andy tomorrow, but hell prolly not want to, because of football or something.

Music fest is in February, i want to be fucking in it. We have to get started ont his fucking band. Hussain better be good. Andy better not whine if things are too heavy. Saosin is heavy. Yet not...Dave moson better take the math test he has to pass to unground himself. wsfgadgada Andy should teach shavonne Bass.... im just in an irritable mood. and impatient mood.

i seriously would love to shoot someone...see what it felt like to kill someone.


im going to end up paying for prom. many people think ill actually find a date to prom...not a friend, or a pity date...a real not going stag...if i dont have a real date for senior prom, i seriously will know then, that i am wicked lame.

My sideburns are long...

Chris' sister is online...looking at her SN on my buddy list is for some reason angering me more. gay how the only chicks on my b.list now are her, nora healy, and some chick from cali.

Hussain has to shave. his rat-stache angers me...

GAH why am i in such a hostile mood.

racist jokes usually are most humorous.

i wanna sound like saosin, but hussain will make it heavier, due to his low voice. Andy, you'll have to learn to like double bass.

Michigan beat ohio.

my goals for this week:

Apply for new jobs
Have at least one band practice
no masturbating for a week
hang out with christine

id love to take the cartons of eggs that the welfare people get and throw them at them and tell them to get jobs, stop having kids, learn english, bag their own groceries, or get out of this fucking country.

my head hurts.

i wanna see Thrice and Thursday.

i shall now delete excess SNs on my buddy-list, since i have 200.

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