May 08, 2004 09:38
Ok so the journal is up. Thanks to lovley namer and his 6 second abbs and rock hard body. Yesterday I was supposed to go to the mall with sebastian cause i told him that at art, then i was going to go to some party with namer..but why should I go to a party with kids i dont know. The party was cancelled anyway so the plan was me seb and jordan would go to the mall. I go to namers house but I forgot sebs number at my house so their goes that idea. Now me and namer lay downt he funk for a little then we go to wawa. About five minutes after we get in steve comes in!! He has his orange baseball uniform on and everythgin. He is so anoyying. After that we whent very far to some garage sale that happened two days ago so we missed it witch sucked. Then i raced him home and we smelled like ass. After Namers mom walked to brooklyn and didnt sleep till she got their adn back. We whent to the mall and met jj and berton. God jeremy is such a mess. Then we whent back to jeremys and bert pointed out that every peice of furniture or anything in jeremys room is from 1950, beside the dresser they got from their neighbors,haha. Thats really just about everything. This lj is so cool I can spell check this before i put it in. sweet...oh man i just did spell check and it makes you correct the words yourself. F that.