Oct 11, 2004 20:08
You are the light that's been leading me in this time where I feel alone and not sure where you want me...where I need to be. Why is it that at times that i feel like it's all in control but then there are those days that i feel like I dont know what my future will hold. I dont know whether to turn right or left. It's not suppose to be this hard. With prayer I'm suppose to know what to do. Yah...at least thats what I thought or I should believe. Im sorry Lord. I need You. I need to feel you. Cause Your all I want...Your all I need...Lord Your everything. Everything. Jesus when You put my faith to the test I feel like You are breaking me, molding me...filling me. I know it's painful but at the end, It's all worth it. It's all for You. All i can give is my life and in order to please you, I must be satisfied in You. That's when you are most glorified in me. I make things alot harder than they seem. Help. Mold. Teach and above it all Use me...Cause Here I am. Broken and Hungry.