Well, the EmmaDog is officially home and doing quite well. She is sweet as sweet can be and 110 percent puppy. It's hard not to imagine her flopping through the wall as she's going around the room with leaps and bounds. No clue how big she'll get, but if her paws are any testiment, she should be able to hold her own regardless.
She's cute. She loves attention and has a strong desire to please---sounds a bit like me, huh. She's great on walks too. Quite a well-mannered young lady... if only we could get her to leave the cats alone. She really wants to play with them (she'll even fetch the ball and bring it to them), but alas, they want nothing to do with her.
The rest of my world is ok, I suppose. Work is dull at the moment, but should liven up any minute now. Family life is fine, albeit disrupted by my fixation on puppy stuff. Once I get into a good grove though, the rest will level out. Today my schedule with Emma has been great -- Let's keep it up!
My mom comes in this weekend to see the house and give me some mom/daughter time. Clint's family is also planning on coming over on Saturday to watch the OU game on our new tv.
Anyone know the best way to clean laminate floors? I'm planning on some swiffer action, but if there's a better way... Clint mentioned something about laminate cleaner at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Humph.
Emma Pics -K-