Mar 15, 2006 01:56
I am not worthy of having anyone... I am not wanted by anything or anyone... I am alone... people treat me like shit... people take what they want from me and go.. "sorry, I gotta go.","sorry I gotta meet someone"... but it all boils down to the fact that people are leaving and not returning... so I sit here.. alone... alone I sit, once again... one single stray emotion, on this lonely night, opens the flood gates as this title wave of pleading tears flow from those orbs... inevitable silence rings off those solitary walls... the gentle whisper of tears hitting the floor beneath me is only sound, except for the ringing of your voice inside my head which is my only comfort, and my biggest fear... watching all the happy moments abandon me like every human has done... no one wants me in their life... they don't care for or about me. I am not wanted, I am not needed... I am used... I am lied to... and I am hated... most of all... I am alone.
I am not pretty... I am not happy... I am cruel... I am lost and cold... Forsaken by all man... I am a worthless piece of shit... No one wants or needs to be with or around me in their life for I don't provide enough... I am not a good friend... I am not a good person... and I am not a good girlfriend... I would not make a good wife... I am a moron... I am a child... I am lost and tired... I am drained and I am abandoned... I am not anyone's dream, fantasy, life, or lover... I would not make a good spouse... I would not make a good friend... I am sincere.
Okay.... well.... nick broke up with me last night, and I'm feeling very sad. If you can't tell. Just wanted to express it through these words.