Oct 04, 2004 16:24
Let's see her over the weekend i went to hell hole (60 miles from georgetown) to tell my grandfather that his dad had died since his voice mail was not working.Well then today i go to my math class and alot of ppl actually show up.So i head up to my english class and get up there and ppl were staring at me for no reason i was jsut half asleep . So i barely get there a minute later the teacher actually gets there before class starts for once. Well then everyone sits down and crap and tthe guy thay sits next to me what we did on firday even though he was here in class. So i told him again and he still didnt understand man those dumb ib students from mira loma i thought the ib program was for smart students that do there work and stuff like that not the biggest slackers.SO then we had presentations over debatable issues we were working on friday and teacher assigned each group a topic and for or against it the topics were such as :cloning school prayer during school ,making marjuna legal , school prayer and stuff like that. So someone mentions something about something from the bible and the teacher says we cant talk about that even though she gave them the topic and it was like a debate with rebutes and everything. Afterward she tells the class that she choose what groups did what by what she thought the group was oppisite of. Ya i learned alot of ppl in my class are really defensive and either druggies or religious freaks BY the time class got out you could feel the tension in the room alot and it was not very fortunate.I think it is weird she choose the topics knowing that the bible would come up espically with gay marriage being one of the topics. So i was just sitting back watching everone make fools of themselves.So by the time class ended i was jsut really sad casue all i could think about there is alot more important things i could be doing at this moment or at least fun things.So then classes ended finally then i went to the finacial aid desk to ask when the next finacially aid checks are due (Oct 29th) yay!!!!!!! so then i got a few errands done for my mom on campus. Then i went to my happpy class were ppl are nice. Well we had loads of fun teacher telling jokes and yet we are still learning good times. So i was really getting into the leccture then it came to a end. Then i went and got lunch went to my grandparents house and i was told im a paul bearer for my great grandfathers funeral. So then i watched boy meets world 12:00-12:30 and 12:30-1:00 then full house from 1:00-1:30 and 1:30-2:00 then came home and got mail and go over notes and maybe get some rest for once. Ya today is jsut one of those days a gf would have been good to talk to and make me not sad.Ya sometimes in my english class i dont think ppl appricate when i gave them notes and tell them what the works was though most of the ppl in my class are from the same hs so im like a complete outsider and it seems that everyone is always busy when i just want to say hi to them ( yet ppl swear up and down that college is so much better nope try again ppl at least in hs u see your friends regually and talk to them and hang after school and practices cuz ppl still have time and even fiding a gf or bf is alot easier and alot easier to work at the relationship and make everything good.)