So, this happened while I was creating my last track:
While in create mode my console froze while I was attempting to "undo/rewind" several times...
When I booted my game back up and went back into create mode, this is what I was greeted with:
The road completely disappeared with only white "dot" markers instead, my objects were EVERYWHERE, broken and even in the background. O.o
At first I was going to attempt to salvage the level, but then I realized I would have to rebuild most of the trees and the little houses... However I ended up repaving the road and fences before getting to that conclusion. First I had to "remove" the entire road first (make it a "no spawn zone") then I repaved the road and that at least showed up properly..
Then I gave up. I thought I had lost several hours of work and I was about to rename it "Hours Wasted" and publish it as is. So after I left create mode (and saved the changes, why not?) I decided to give it one more play, and well everything seemed to have returned to their normal places.
I went back into create mode to discover that there were a few unsaved changes I'd made but not much was lost. So, I finished up what I had left (I was nearly done at that point) and published it.
There was no harm done in the end, and I got some interesting photos out of it, but man did it give me a "scare" (more like an annoyance).
Anyway I just thought I'd share.
Do any of you have any create mode horror stories?