May 27, 2004 15:47
We'll start with the other things.
Today was practically my last day of highschool, and you know what? I have never been happier in my life. I go to school on tuesday for band And then I'm done - I don't even have to show up on wednesday for 1&2 exams because...frankly, i did my time with that shit. So it's over. Finally. I can hardly believe that I made it.
There is so much shit that I just want to leave behind. But there's also so much shit that I'm taking away from it all - bringing it with me and on to college. I've met some of the most amazing people....and then again I've met a lot of people who are far less than amazing too. Here's a tiny chronicle of some of the things I'll remember:
**First band camp ever...with Dave Andrews as band captain...::shudder:: scariest thing ever...speaking of Dave...he gave me 16 of the hardest punches I think I've ever gotten...I still can't feel parts of my left arm. Whaddaguy.**Sam Warshaw taking me under his wing - the two male mellophones**Katie Grau, and all the drama that surrounded all started on a napkin**Mrs. Green's class**Myachi**Ultimate Frisbee...the wee beginnings**BlAsT concert**Mike Katz...and that New Year's Party at his house**Corey Chartan, man i miss that kid sometimes**The fan club of girls I had one year....that I never knew about...**I used to be buff(X-Country and Track days)**Nicole/Koala (and Crowley and Dan forcing me into asking her out when I didn't have a good idea prepared for it - bastards)**Bla Productions...and everybody involved.**The Crew from RMS, including the one the only Jaime**My term as Band Captain**My term as a royal ass - (this would be in reference to Amy and Kim)**My best friends, and the best of them all (who I was also a royal ass to at one point) Sr. Manuel Barbosa**Parties @ Pelkey's**The "Poo" party..(that would be the one Manny and I set up at TJ's house)** seems as though those jello jigglers really paid off**Coral Springs Ultimate - the huge version of Friz** and so much more...
Anyways, after Tuesday, well...after Graduation really (cuz then I'll really have nothing left) I'll finally get started I hope so anyway. I'm tired of making plans and not following through with them. I'm going to get a job, either with my dad, or with some place somewhere...or both. I'm going to go to the beach a lot and tan, and skim board until I die (hopefully with a new/better skim board). I'm going to spend more time with my friends - cuz I probably won't see many of you again after this summer..and if I do, it will be rare occasions (unless you drive to LA to visit!). Working out at least 3 times a week...and doing some form of cardio almost every day...either running, swimming, jump rope, frisbee, football...whatever it is..i'm game. This, hopefully, will be that summer of summer Mr. P had talked about. I feel like I'm finally breaking away from the chains of highschool and I'm free to do as I choose when I choose and how I choose...I'm finally becoming my own man.
And now the subject of regret...the part of the entry where people will probalby not like me as much anymore, and, well...I guess I'm okay with that at this point.
I don't regret a single thing I've ever done. Not one thing. I'm sorry if it hurts any of you to know that...but if you had the same mentality you'd understand. Everything is an experience...Life is about trial...and about error. Everything I've ever done...good or bad, whether it hurt me, or it hurt you, or it hurt somebody else. I've learned from it (or at least somebody did). It's my mistakes that have helped me to become who I am more so than my successes. It's all those times I fucked-up and dealt with the consequences that taught me how to deal with adversity so well. This is not to say I don't feel bad about some things...but I don't necessarily regret doing them...given the same circumstances I probably wouldn't have changed much of anything about the decisions I've made. I like who I've become for the most part. Anyways...That's all for now. I'm out. Peace.