Tweets for the day

Dec 18, 2008 23:20

  • 01:05 I just broke one of my good light up crochet hooks. I'm so pissed. #
  • 01:41 Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. That is all. #
  • 02:18 I'm about to cry... Why will this not come out right?? I know I suck at math but come on. #
  • 06:37 @ mak2dog no end for you. #
  • 07:47 Still hasn't slept. Is wondering if sleep is in her future. Maybe if she stops posting and gets to work! #
  • 10:17 Ate a sandwich. Still feel dizzy. This feeling can go away anytime now. #
  • 11:07 Yeah, never doing this again. I don't know if I can finish. #
  • 18:07 My husband is using my broken light up crochet hook as a lightsaber, complete with sound effects. #
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