Title: Who Is The Diva
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung, Doojoon/Yoseob, Dongwoon/Kikwang, but not much so OT6 fits better. ;D
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kikwang popped the question, and now, watching as these bunch fights for the title of 'DIVA'.
Author Notes: It's kinda crack. Don't ask. >.>
That's me! I'm totally pretty! )
I'm pretty sure I laughed at loud once or twice ^^'
And the end is just... haha I really love it! Hyunseung is perfect especially in the role of Diva <3
Thank you for writing this! Now I can't stop smiling thinking about this xD
Actually I'm gonna read it again, just for fun =P
Hahaha. Thank you for commenting!<333
Anyway reading this made me want to watch Idol Maid again! Diva Seung is on top in it xD
He makes such bitchy yet cute faces that makes me go all dawwwwww~
Idol Maid, hahaha. Hilarious thing.
I still can't get his "Give me 4 stars, and I'll give you my beautiful young sister." out of my head. XD
Hahaha I can't stop laughing each time I think about that! He's just... incredible... Actually the whole show is killing me. It's a kind of BEST OF SEUNGIE! (Actually I just watched the part where he does the... Crow? kekeke)
There's no words to express him fully. He's just too awesome.
Pfffftt. The crow. Seriously, he can't do imitations to save himself. XD
But he's still (I was looking for an adjective but I don't find any good enough...) He's still HYUNSEUNG enough for us to forgive this and stalk him no matter what ^^
Yeah. Hyunseung itself should be an adjective from now on. XD
Look at what I'm saying... xD See?! See how he clouds my mind! Bad Hyunseung! >.<'
I'm already reading the bible on beast. :'D LOL.
Hyunseung is an addiction. He blinds your eyes, cloud your mind and make you fall head over heels for him.
The bad thing? He can't be ours since he belongs to Junhyung.
Oh wait. That isn't much of a bad thing at all. >8D
What about BEAST bible? Is it like... the real one with B2ST members? xD haha I should just kill myself for the idea... I pictured Hyunseung being a kind of Noah running all around the place chasing after beasts... Yes I've officially lost my mind BUT it'd be a great idea since I've never been brave enough to read the real Bible ^^'
No, not a bad thing. It's actually the happiest thing I can think of (about Hyunseung I mean ^^) How I wish we could be right on this one... I want JunSeung to be real! Let's just say they are? <3
Nah. The Beast Bible thingy was just for LOLS. XD
I believe they ARE real. >8D
HAHA! I know but I don't know my brain just... Let's say I needed sleep xP
I just got an idea! Maybe... (hopefully) we don't see much interaction between them because they ARE real and they don't want people to find out and have some troubles..? (a) Does that sound okay? =D
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