Me against the world

Jan 22, 2007 00:14

Am i worthy??
Am i Lucky??
am i loving??
am i real??
Am i the person people think i am??

Hi everyone, so these are the things i ask myself alot... am i the picture perfect image that i want to be.. and what is that anyways.. in my eyes perfect is being unperfect. So am i unperfect.. am i crazy for thinking such thoughts, that i would make myself seem perfect.. i know i am just rambling on but this often comes to me head. Who am i really.. am i pretending to be someone im not or am i really am myself.. Am i the person god wants me to be.. well now your going to find out the real me.. Hullo my name is Ashley Ann Aline Jolicoeur. I live with my parents, and im 20 years old. My whole life ive been the baby of the family. I have a a cute godson.. Before I use strive to fit in.. Now I strive to be Myself.. to be my own person.. i have my gurls to help me with that .. for example i have Victoria .. my bitch.. I have Ashleigh.. Dubbs.. I Have Heather.. I have NIkita... my bestfriend.. I have Alicia.. Leeche.. I have Crystal.. My Lady and i have my Boi Jonny.. My son.. without these people i would be nothing.. i would be worthless.. i would be another face in the crowd that no would care about.. But these people i mentioned do care about me.. they care deeply about me.. I often wonder where i would be if i stayed with my old crowd... would i be the kind person i am today.. or would be on the street trying to find a place to sleep.. But why should i do that.. why should i think about things that didnt happen?? who knows.. but for now i want to leave you with this.. before i tell you my deepest darkest things about my life.. AM I THE PICTURE PERFECT IMAGE OF INPERFECTION?? Or Im i just... just.... goodnight

??? lafs

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